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Exam Review Material

Weekly Course Material 

Week 1: Opportunity cost; absolute & comparative advantage

Week 2: Production possibility frontier, comparative advantage, and trade

Week 3: The supply and demand model; market equilibrium

Week 4: Elasticity

Week 5: Consumer Theory I: Budget constraints and utility maximization

Week 6: Consumer Theory II: Demand curve derivation; substitution and income effects

Week 7: Producer Theory I: Product curves, short run costs, and short-run costs

Week 8: Producer Theory II: Equilibrium in the short and long run; economies of scale

Week 9: Producer Theory III: Input markets

Week 10: Pareto efficiency and general equilibrium under perfect competition

Week 11: Monopoly and price discrimination

Week 12: Oligopoly and price discrimination

Week 13: Game theory and monopolistic competition

Week 14: Public Goods, Externalities, and Tax Incidence